Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Zuza-Bart knitwear

I must mention another knitter's work that I came across while at the Hunter Mountain Celtic Festival.

Flowing, artistic, 100% Linen knit-pieces.
The U.S. representative told me that they were created on a loom, although I suspect he meant a knitting machine.
All were very fine gauge, light, even see-through in some cases.
As they are new, and not repeatedly washed, there was still a stiffness, a roughness to them all.

I was interested in both the tank-dresses, and the sleevless shells that had raised twig-like designs across the front.
Upon close inspection, the raised-design was done on a sewing machine with clear nylon thread, which in a small way as a hand-knitter disappointed me. I would have been enthralled if they were done in some other manner, such as picking up stitches from rows below....but again, this is manufactured for European (and smaller) American markets.

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