Sunday, April 15, 2007

Been WAY too long.
Unfortunately, I just have not been knitting at all.
I THINK about knitting, just have not done anything, even for the 2006 Holidaze season.

Been playing SPY at local stores.
You can actually make some pocket moolah once you get organized. Nothing to plan a household budget on, but it can be fun, and handy change.

Also busy with wrapping up the year with the Junior GS troop. Helped the twins earn their Bat Ohr award (National Jewish Girl Scout award), and now they are finishing up their Junior Bronze Award with a project to collect needed cleaning, enrichment and nourishment supplies for the local SPCA. In two weeks they should be ready to 'fly-up' to Cadette level.

Jimmy is still working hard at his HazMat company. The next two weeks he is covering for his boss, so he will get to show more of his many talents.

Welcome to my old friend Gary...he just started a blog at
Not knitting, but if you are any way interested or connected to EMS, you might like to follow his blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hon..
Thanks for stoppin by my new blog and definitely much thanks for the honorable mention!
Not entirely sure how to get around blogspot yet but I'm feelin my way LOL. Wow, twins in girl scouts. Time flies! Hey, mine are 2 1/2 and 6 1/2 so I can relate. Sheesh. I'm gonna blink and they're gonna be goin to the prom LOL. Glad to hear you're doin well. Keep in touch!