Sunday, August 13, 2006

Has it really been this long?
Summer and knitting just don't mix for me. The humidity and sweat just don't allow yarn to flow.

So, things must be getting better because I started a jacket for Arianna. It is in a Bernat acrylic baby yarn/pattern, will look a bit like a denim jacket and skirt, complete with topstitched 'seams'.

Of course, I am making the jacket body in one piece, instead of the three pieces it was written for. No one would know it was me if I did not do that!
I was contemplating doing the sleeves from shoulder down so that there would be NO sewing at the end, but in thinking about it more, that would not look natural for a denim jacket, so I will sew the sleeves in at the shoulder so that there will be a very defined seam.

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